WordPress Maintenance & Support

Keep Your Website Thriving

Milkweed Web offers a comprehensive range of WordPress site maintenance services for businesses, individuals, and nonprofits. We provide regular updates, personalized instruction, and tutorial videos to ensure your website remains secure and optimized for performance. Get in touch and see what we can accomplish together.

Smiling young woman with coffee and laptop by Brooke Cagle via Unsplash

Regular Weekly Updates

Regular weekly updates of your theme, plugins, and WordPress core when required. Simple content updates upon request.

Troubleshooting and Site Adjustments

When something needs to be fixed or adjusted, we can help.

Personalized Instruction

We’ll provide personalized instruction and tutorial videos to you and your staff

Ready to Get Started?

Contact Milkweed Web and tell us about what you need. We’ll take care of your website and let you focus on what matters most — your business.